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Guitarist and conductor, Olivier Benoit takes part in many collaborations and researches in different directions : pluridisciplinary performances, improvised music, experimental, contemporary music, jazz, electronics. He actually works with the choregraph David Flahaut, the musicians : Joelle Léandre, Sophie Agnel, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Régis Huby, Christophe Marguet, the ensemble of contemporary music called Ars Nova, the "crime" collective (he conducts : la pieuvre and electropus), Circum collective (he composes a part of the music).

In details :

- performances/Dance with "lex salica" from the dancer and choregraph David Flahaut, Météo (dance + sculptur + multiphonic system with computer) he co-created with jlg. Or before with Karole Armitage (show : "Drastic Classism" with the ballet of Lorraine)
- improvised/experimental music : solo, duos with sophie Agnel or Jean-Luc guionnet, la pieuvre (orchester of 27 musicians conducted by ob) and different projects from "le Crime" (electropus and optronic), "Figures erotiques" From Joelle Léandre...
- Contemporary Music Ars Nova ensemble directed by Philippe Nahon for a contemporary opera (on tour 2004-2006)
- jazz : avec christophe Marguet quartet (Bruno Chevillon et Sébastien Texier), Régis Huby sextet, different groups of circum collective (happy house, Circum grand orchestra he composed a part of the music) or the national jazz orchester from France in 2001-2002...
- electronics : solo; duets with Jean-Luc guionnet with original multiphonic system and computer (created by jlg and ob with the complicity of Frederic voisin) or with "optronic" (table guitar ) and electropus (orchester directed by ob).

- film + concert : musical creation performed by "la Pieuvre" on the movie : "Germinal" (from Albert Cappellani, 1913)
And "Arsenal" from Alexandre Dovjenko (music from Pierre Badaroux)

Thoses projects have been played in different festivals or scenes in France and other countries (festivals of Vandoeuvre, Mulhouse, Le Mans, Banlieues Bleues, Nevers, Radio France, Opera Bastille...), or on tours : Belgium, Italy, Norway, Finland, Estonia, China, Ukrainia, Montenegro, Spain, Vietnam...

Selective Discography :

Improvised/experimental music :

- Agnel/Benoit duet - In Situ - octobre 2003 - (disque d'Emoi jazz
Magazine, **** jazzman)
- "&UN" duo Guionnet/Benoit on Vand'oeuvre - mai 2002 - Top ten of year 2002 on Wire magazine
- Trio Deschepper/Hoevenaers/Benoit "(UN)written" - on Emouvance - 2000 -
(disque du mois jazz Magazine)
To be released (2007):
- solo
- La pieuvre 1
- la pieuvre 2 (original piece : "ellipse" based on heart pulsation)

Jazz :
- Circum grand orchestra - Circum-Disc - octobre 2005
- Sextet de Christophe Marguet - Label Bleu - avril 2003 - "Choc" Jazzman, disque d'Emoi
- ONJ 2001/2002 " Charmediterranéen "- juin 2002 - ECM
- Jacques Mahieux quartet "Franche Musique" Hopi, 1999, (disque d'Emoi jazz
Magazine, **** jazzman)

To be released (automn 2006):
- Regis Huby sextet (Harmonia Mundi/ chants du monde)
- Marguet Quartet (Harmonia Mundi/ chants du monde)